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About the Watamu Association

The Watamu Association is a resident's association founded in 1994.

The Association is managed by an Executive Committee comprised of residents who take an active interest in the community and volunteer their time. Committee members have specific areas of interest and responsibilities. See The Committee for names and contact details.

The Association is funded by the subscriptions that it receives from annual membership (4,500/-) as well as by donations. Membership is open to all residents of the Watamu area. To join and contribute to the quality of life in Watamu, simply send a message to membership secretary.

Our membership is now at a record high of nearly 160 members. We will be trying to diversify the membership base as much as possible in the coming year.
Our ObjectIVES ARE:

a) The Association shall be Non Political, Non Racial and Non Denominational.
b) To protect and promote the interests of The Association, its Members and the residents of the Watamu Area.
c) To protect the Biodiversity and Ecology of the Area and its sustainable use for the benefit of Kenya and the local communities.
d) To support and promote measures enhancing the security of persons and property.
e) To liaise and cooperate with other Associations and Organisations with similar objectives.



Membership is open to all residents of the Watamu area. Contact us for membership enquiries.

The Watamu Association is an independent non-political community organisation that represents the interests of residents in Watamu. The Association works closely with the Kilifi County Council, area Chiefs, and local Police in Watamu and is in a unique position to improve the overall high standards of our community as well as help and advise individuals with their particular concerns.

Membership gives you access to the knowledge and contacts developed over 20 years of community service. Additionally you will be invited to Association events and The Annual General Meeting (AGM) each December. At these events you will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss problems with the community.

Payment can either be made by cash at Turtle Bay Beach Club reception, or alternatively by cheque sent with the Application Form below.


Why Join?

There Is Strength in Numbers – become a Member Today.
What would Watamu be like without the years of tenacious efforts by the Watamu Association committee and members, who have worked to improve local services, and conserve the environment for many years.

Please join the Watamu Assoication today. Your 5,000/- membership ALSO gives you access to:
 - The Watamu Association email newsletters which communicate information, events, advisories and alerts.
 - A voice at the Association AGM.
 - Your membership helps us support our affiliate organisations: Local Ocean Trust, Watamu Marine Association, Watamu Against Crime, and the Anti Child Abuse campaign amongst others.
 - Membership supports the Kilifi County Alliance, the umbrella organisation for the various Resident's Associations in the Kilifi County.

The Watamu Association, with more than 160 member households, has worked since 1994 as “Your Advocate for Watamu” to bring the community together and address issues and concerns that affect our neighborhoods. WA membership is open to everyone who lives in Watamu, whether you rent or own property.


Kilifi County Alliance


The arrival of the County system has brought in a whole new set of issues to be addressed and also demands a lot of time. The umbrella organisation has been formed from the various Kilifi, Malindi, Watamu and Mtwapa residents associations to try and tackle issues on our behalf at a county level.  The formation of a secretariat is currently underway.

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